Jacksonville's Conservative Talk Station
WBOB is your trusted local source of conservative news and talk programming. Find us on the dial at AM 600 or FM 101.1.
WBOB is your trusted local source of conservative news and talk programming. Find us on the dial at AM 600 or FM 101.1.
“Our goal is to walk along side everyone that comes to us. Whether they’re coming to us for food or educational help or they’re coming to us in the child welfare system. Our goal isn’t
“These are families… the majority of them, that are literally making a choice of getting food on the table for their families or getting the treatment they need to get better.” – Amanda Napolitano, Executive
“We’re in emergency need more often than not. That means there is less than a two day supply. If some kind of emergency hits, that’s a big deal!” – James Skhan, Community Relations Director Lifesouth
We have the big game coming up! For those of us who could care less about who’s playing in it and are only there for the snacks (You’re speaking my language), and want to be
North Florida Neighborhood is all about getting to know our neighbors and hearing what great things they’re doing with us and for us in our community. The organizations and events we highlight help make this area the best place in the country to live.